
Complaint Form

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Directions: Please use this form for non-academic complaints. For academic complaints, please refer to the policy in this academic year’s Academic Catalog.

In accordance with the HLC Student Complaint Policy, Oklahoma Wesleyan University takes student complaints seriously and uses them to make institutional improvements when appropriate.

At OKWU, a non-academic complaint refers to a substantial grievance or serious concern. This would include issues with people, processes, practices, or policies that have been oppressive, unfair, unjust, or inhumane. Students who request clarification, investigation, or resolution should fill out this form.

The Compliance Committee of OKWU has members that represent every department and area on campus. This form, when submitted, will go to the Dean of Assessment and Accreditation. It will then be referred to the appropriate person to resolve the issue. The Compliance Committee meets twice a year to discuss institutional improvements from student complaints.

Student complaints related to OKWU’s participation in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) may be appealed to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) after completing the complaint process at OKWU if a satisfactory resolution is not reached. More information about OSRHE’s student complaint process is online here: OSRHE College Student Complaint Policy

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